The retina has long been considered a window into the brain, generating significant interest in identifying potential ocular biomarkers for brain disorders. Functional changes in the retina can be detected using electroretinography (ERG).
Evidencia reciente en diferentes sistemas fisiológicos respalda una teoría de pérdida de complejidad, que establece que la complejidad de la actividad fisiológica se rompe con el envejecimiento y la enfermedad. En esta charla, discutiremos brevemente …
Recent evidence in different physiological systems supports a theory of complexity-loss, which states that the complexity carried out by physiological outputs breaks down with aging and disease. In this talk, we will briefly discuss entropy-based …
Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are one of our most significant public health challenges. In these diseases, neurons in specific brain areas progressively and irreversibly deteriorate until they die. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are two of the major NDs and among the leading causes of death in the elderly population.